There are times when your data set are not in a useable format for analysis or presentation
With the Text Fixer Tool, you can tidy up your data ready for processing or presenation
There were many occassions where I had to clean up the data so I could use the List Comparison Tool - It was with this in mind that the Text Fixer Tool was built
Cut and Paste your data into textbox A, with the results shown in output B
There are many functionalities which you can use as part of this tool
Insertion of text before and after each input line
Removal of text strings before and after each input line
A special feature is the option to add/remove inclusively or exlusively the text you desire
The cleaning of extraneous spaces, duplicates and blank lines from your data-set
The output can be formatted as HTML, numbered lines, HTML list items or even rejoined as one single line
If you click on the chain icon, you can also join all input lines into one single, output line
Lines can also be split at any designated punctuation e.g. CSV data
The number of options and usage is large, allowing you to manipulate your data and formatting it to a useable form
It has helped me simplify my work over the years and I hope you find it as useful without the need to write Excel functions to do the same.